Monday, July 27, 2009


i don't know why people think baths are relaxing. 

hiding under a towel and sleeping is way better than floating on your back and trying to keep your head out of water. sometimes i think people really just don't get it.  other times i know they don't.
- muffin h. hog.

Monday, July 20, 2009

hog lite

i'm not sure if the help bought these twiglets to remind me of the forest

but not even hedgehogs like marmite, and the only good bag of twiglets is an empty one.
- muffin h. hog.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


so when i got in this bag, i thought, at least people won't be able to see me and maybe they'll leave me alone to sleep.

i was wrong

and now i think i now how fish feel, which is way worse than hedgehogs.
- muffin h. hog.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

hog and go seek

i don't understand why socks only come in pairs instead of in fours. don't humans have four limbs, too?

i guess sometimes people are just dumb.
- muffin h. hog